Will my profile information be shared?

Your privacy is important to us. The information you provide on your profile will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. 

Your confidential information, including your full name and contact information, will not be displayed publicly on our site. We will not share this information with any third party without your approval. Documents that include this information will not be shared unless such information is removed.

We will only use your username to identify you publicly. Your username may be displayed in sections of our site such as the Study page, the forum, and the blog. Your username will also be visible in the Community- and Client-facing versions of your profile.

Community Profile

In addition to your username, only the following information will be included in the profile visible to the Community:

  • Country
  • Language
  • Technical Knowledge Areas
  • IP Experience
  • Study wins in the last six months

A logged-in Researcher may view your profile by clicking on your username in the Winners section of a Study page or in the forum.

Client Profile

A version of your profile may be shared with a Client to demonstrate your qualification to participate in a Study. No identifying information will be included in this version of the profile.

A summary of the information provided by all Researchers may be provided to a Client to demonstrate the qualifications of the Community in a particular technology area. When such a summary is shared with a Client, we will not include information that may directly identify any individual Researcher.

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