Which date should I use for my submission?

Check the Latest Date for Responses (LDR) to ensure that your submissions meet the date requirement for the Study.  Your submission must be dated on or before the LDR.  The date of the reference you submit must be printed on the uploaded file.

Monthly periodicals and some other NPL do not provide exact publication dates. For such documents, you may select "unknown" in the corresponding date field(s) of the submission form if the day and/or month is not provided. When "unknown" is selected for the day or the month, the system will assign the first day or the month by default. The Review Team reserves the right to validate this date on a case-by-case basis.

The date you use depends on what type of reference you are submitting and the specific instructions in the Study Description.  

For more information, please review the Researcher Manual available in your Dashboard.

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