How do I convert a document to PDF?

Most research and patents are available in PDF format already but in some cases, research can’t be located in a PDF format.  This support article outlines some techniques for saving a non-PDF file as a PDF.    

PDF is an open standard and creating a PDF file does not require a paid product.  Many current operating systems and office suites support creation of PDF files through the print or save as options.  There are many free PDF creator programs that can be found online.


On a PC

  1. Microsoft Office and Open Office both support Save as a PDF from the Save As menu choice. 
  2. From a web browser.  Firefox and Chrome had add-ons available that allow you to save a webpage as a PDF.  Print pages to PDF FireFox add-on may be helpful
  3. Search for a third-party Windows app that can create PDFs. 

On a Mac

  1. Any document or webpage can be saved as a PDF file from the print dialogue.
  2. Microsoft Office has an option to save a file as a PDF directly in the Save As window.
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